入国管理局などに納税証明書を提出される方へ To those who must submit a certificate of tax payment to institutions such as the Immigration Services Bureau


ページ番号1052499  更新日 令和5年10月3日 印刷 

納税証明書の手続きについて How to apply for certificate of tax payment:


* Before applying, please confirm which certificates you require to be issued ahead of time.





Documents required for applications in person


Documents required for applications via mail


The taxpayer


Application for issuance of tax certificate


Residence card


Certificate fee【Note 1】


Application for issuance of tax certificate


Copy of residence card (front and back)


Fixed amount postal money order【Note 2】


Return envelope【Note 3】


A representative agent


Application for issuance of tax certificate


Proxy form


Personal ID of the representative agent


Certificate fee【Note 1】


Application for issuance of tax certificate


Proxy form


A copy of the representative agent’s personal ID.


Fixed amount postal money order【Note 2】


Return envelope【Note 3】



【Note 1】There is a fee of 300 yen per certificate. Please ensure that you prepare enough money for the required number of certificates.



【Note 2】You can purchase fixed amount postal money orders from the post office.



【Note 3】On return envelopes, be sure to write the return address, postal code, and name, and to attach a postage stamp. If you prefer express delivery, please attach the appropriate postage stamp.

窓口申請 In-person applications

申請窓口 Application Desks

・市役所 本庁舎2階 市民税課 1番窓口

Wakayama City Hall, Residential Tax Division (Desk 1), 2nd floor of main building

・市役所 本庁舎2階 納税課  6番窓口

Wakayama City Hall, Tax Revenue Division (Desk 6), 2nd floor of main building


Municipal Service Centers

受付時間 Business Hours

平日(へいじつ) ごぜん8じ30ふん~ごご5じ15ふん



郵送申請 Application via mail


Please address your application as follows:



23 Shichi bancho, Wakayama City,

Wakayama Shiyakusho,

のうぜいか しょうめいたんとうしゃあて

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財政局 税務部 納税課
電話:073-435-1038 ファクス:073-435-1261